Interview Summer 2024

Interview with model and actress Daria Eliseeva.

Interview Summer 2024

1. How did you get into the modeling business?

When I was 13 years old, I heard from friends that the Carina modeling agency was casting for a beauty contest. When I came to the casting, I received an offer to attend the modeling school. We had classes on fashion shows, etiquette, acting, style and make-up. At that time, my mother was making a decision with me, and we decided to enroll in a modeling school for additional education. But it so happened that scouts from Moscow came and the Moscow agency noticed me. I was too young to travel, so I went to study at the agency for another 3 years, and when I turned 16, I was sent to my first work contract abroad.

Interview Summer 2024

2. Where was your first work contract? How did it go?

 My first contract was in Taiwan at the age of 16. It all seemed incredible to me, like in a movie. Then I had never been abroad and lived only in Astrakhan. On my first trip, I experienced a culture shock. Since Taiwan is an Asian country, it is strikingly different from European culture. I have been there 4 more times during my work and I have a special love for this country. It was unusual to start a serious adult job, it does not compare with school or institute, it teaches much more responsibility and independence. Improves communication skills, teaches you to make contacts, resolve conflicts. Separation from my parents was hard, at that time there were no Google maps or normal cell phones with messengers. I called my parents once a week on the street phone, buying cards for an international call in 10 minutes. That was it. And the joy of impressions and tears and homesickness.But after this contract, when I returned home, Astrakhan already seemed too small. I enrolled in a correspondence form of education and went on to travel.

Interview Summer 2024

3. Were there any curious cases with you on contracts? Tell us about one of them.

 Perhaps one of the most curious things happened to me in China. I went to a small town by bus, as the shooting was in a picturesque location. The bus arrived at the station late at night, the customers were supposed to meet me, but some kind of miscommunication happened and there was nobody. The agency did not answer calls because it was late at night. In a few minutes, the station with passengers was empty, I had no one to ask for help. The city was very remote and small, foreigners either do not happen there at all, or extremely rarely. In small towns in China, people are quite closed, and if you approach them, ask them something, they get scared and run away. It wasn’t scary, but rather there was irritation and confusion that people turn away and run away when I approach them. Taxi drivers were afraid to stop. But still, there was one taxi driver who spoke English at least. Since I was supposed to be met by customers, the agency did not allocate additional funds for transport, and I did not have cash with me, and in such a small city it is difficult to find an ATM, there was no card payment at that time either. As a result, somehow on my fingers, I was able to explain where I needed to go (fortunately, I had the address of the hotel saved somewhere in correspondence with the agency) and persuade the hotel employee to pay the taxi driver for me. I got there safely, and later I was already

preparing more thoroughly for business trips. Such a small adventure has taught me foresight, concentration and readiness for any situation.

Interview Summer 2024

4. The most significant jobs in your career?

The most significant stage in my career began when I came to America and worked with one of the strongest modeling agencies in the USA (Wilhelmina is the agency with which the winners of “Next America’s top model” with Tyra Banks sign a contract). The most significant work is participation in “Project Runway” with Heidi Klum, Nina Garcia and designer Zac Posen. And my first New York Fashion week was the one I remember the most. Later, I started participating in the wedding fashion week and I remember the Reem Acra shows that take place annually at the New York Public Library.

Interview Summer 2024

5. The role of beauty contests in your life and career?

 Beauty contests are an important stage in my career, as it was thanks to my participation in them that the scouts noticed me. Preparing for competitions is a kind of training for a modeling career in the future. While participating in the competition, the participants learn to present themselves, communicate, their stress tolerance increases, and the fear of the stage and competition goes away, all this is necessary in the subsequent career of a model.

Interview Summer 2024

6. What can you wish for models who are just starting their journey?

 First of all, learn English. This is the most important skill that will always be needed. From my personal recommendations, it is worth studying nutrition. I am a big opponent of diets, and a proponent of a proper balanced food. A balanced diet will help keep the body in shape, skin and hair in perfect condition. Beauty comes from within – this is about this point. Study physical activity – choose the most suitable type of sport for you, fitness, yoga or strength training.

The ability to keep a balance between nutrition and sports is something that has helped me a lot during my work, and it is a skill that I have retained for the rest of my life. To have a lot of attention is to develop a sense of style and taste . Customers always pay attention to what you came in, it doesn’t have to be expensive clothes, the main thing is that it is complimentary to your appearance. For example, I made boards on Pinterest, with style selections. And last but not least, to communicate. Communicate with everyone, share social networks, make contacts, be friendly to everyone. Very often, your colleague from one shoot can recommend you to another customer.

Interview Summer 2024

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