Interview Summer 2023

Interview with the popular actor of musicals Andrey Alexandrin.

Interview Summer 2023

1 – Tell a little about yourself to our subscribers, where was born and grew up, where did you study and what kind of education did you get?

 Born in the federal nuclear center, in the city of Snezhinsk, from the age of 6 I began to study at the children’s musical theater “Rainbow”, and from the age of 7 I began to study choreography. At the age of 13, I became a soloist of VIA “Giano Band”. After graduating from high school, I entered the Chelyabinsk Institute of Arts for the choreography department, but after winning an international vocal competition, I was invited to study at the Moscow Music College, so after dropping everything in the Urals, I found myself in the capital of our homeland.

Interview Summer 2023

2 – How did it happen that you chose the profession in which you work and what was the motive?

 Since childhood, I have been a restless child, singing, dancing, strumming all instruments, dreaming of performing on world stages. Dreams come true, now I believe it.) Again! To be in the right place at the right time with the right people is worth a lot!!!

Interview Summer 2023

3 – What was your first job in show business?

 Of course, I went through pub school like many world artists, but my first significant professional work was the musical “Romeo and Juliet”, where I played the main character-Romeo, and we still perform parts from this masterpiece.

Interview Summer 2023

4 – What projects did you take part in and how did you remember them?

In addition to “Romeo and Juliet” in my native theater, I played in two more musicals, this is the musical “Monte Cristo” where I played the characteristic character of Benedetto and now I play the role of Stiva Oblonsky in the musical “Anna Karenina”. Also, a new musical based on the Hollywood film of the same name “Pretty Woman” is currently in production.

5 – What are you planning to do in the future, and what projects are you considering?

I am a dreamer and a visionary.) I write music for new projects, I want to create my own musical theater with a comfortable team, for old age there is a goal to build my hotel by the sea.) To create and create is the goal of my life

6 – What advice would you give to young talents for promotion and career?

I want to wish good luck and good luck to young talents!!! I advise you to feel the space of creation, listen to your heart, learn to distinguish wisdom from stupidity! Forget about laziness! And, of course, love! After all, “Only love should rule the world!”

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