Interview Summer 2022

Interview with the artist of legendary musicals and popular artist Ed Shulzhevsky.

Interview Summer 2022

Tell us a little about yourself, where you were born, where you grew up, studied, what kind of education you received.

Big greetings to all readers.

I was born in the southern warm Krasnodar. Childhood and youth in my hometown was active. Lots of sections. I was engaged in acrobatics and hand-to-hand combat, but sports dancing and music school took over. After the ninth grade of high school, I entered the choreographic lyceum. Two years later, I successfully graduated from it. There were thoughts to devote myself completely to the field of dancing, but… From a very early age, I wrote songs and wanted to be realized in this area as well. Winning vocal competitions gave the opportunity to believe in myself, my strength. Even then I understood that I had to go to Moscow and try to enter the university. The capital really gives a lot of opportunities of development in the musical and theatrical sphere. So I decided to enter the theater faculty.

At the age of 17, I moved  in Moscow. Dormitory, student life in the full sense of the word. In 2003 I graduated from GITIS by profession – a stage and mass performances director.

So, my journey in the capital began.

Interview Summer 2022

Why did you decide to take up music and vocals, who was your inspiration and idol.

To be honest, there was nothing to decide. At the time of graduation from school and the choreographic lyceum, I could not do anything except sing, play the piano and dance perfectly. But, I was insanely happy having entered GITIS. After all, my acting skills were lame and it had to be tightened up. In addition to the theater university, musicals also gave a huge experience. In 2001, I auditioned for the role of Captain Phoebus in “Notre Dame de Paris”, and in 2004 I played Romeo in “Romeo and Juliet”.

As for the second part of your question about the inspirer and idol, I will say this: I am very inspired by life itself, the people who surround me. I was very lucky with them. And I also love to admire sunsets and sunrises. Sea and mountains. Sky. It’s very inspiring.

Interview Summer 2022

How did you get into show business and how did it all start?

It all started with the musicals I mentioned above. In parallel, I composed many songs. In 2006, I got my own team and began solo activities. We worked hard. Beat on all the doors. We wanted to be heard. This path was difficult, but my team and I managed to implement a lot of ideas, record great songs that later became popular.

 How is your career progressing today, and what can your fans expect in the near future?

Today everything is quite smooth and calm. I am already 40 years old and, of course, there is no youthful fuse. But, I am happy that I am in demand. There are many different theater projects, many tours. Music, songs are written and it’s good. In general, I’m happy. The balance has been found when you are realized in the profession, and most importantly, you have comfort in family life. I have a beautiful wife, a beautiful son and daughter.

 What can you wish aspiring singers and what do you think they need at the beginning of their development?

I want to wish you great luck!

Be in the right place at the right time.

Believe in yourself.

To find real like-minded friends.

And I wish you always remember that success does not come just like that.

Step by step, go to your dream and it will definitely come true!

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