Interview Spring 2022

Interview Spring 2022
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Interview with a French designer with Russian roots Vladimir Viquious.

Today we will tell you about Vladimir Viquious – fashion designer, President of the UNESCO Club “International Children’s Congress”, teacher of the Faculty of Arts of Lomonosov Moscow State University and the main artist of the Moscow Regional Drama and Comedy Theater.

 Where were you born, what kind of education did you receive?

 I was born in Moscow in 1972 in a military family. The surname dates back to the Byzantine times of the era of Elena and Constantine, and the Moscow family has 12 generations of ancestors. He graduated from a comprehensive Soviet school and entered the Institute of Civil Engineering at the Faculty of Economics.

Interview Spring 2022
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 How did you decide to devote yourself to fashion? And where did you start?

 I did not plan to become a designer, but in the 90s I went into business and from all the alternatives I chose the direction of creating and producing clothes, the first production opened in 1993. The genes of the ancestors affected – the maternal great – grandfather ‘s family-owned large sewing workshops on Tverskaya Street in Moscow and on Nevsky in St. Petersburg, and my grandfather was a personal cutter, first Georgy Chicherin, then Lavrenty Beria.

Interview Spring 2022

 Tell us about your clothing brand in Paris

 I had a good knowledge of foreign languages, which later helped with work abroad. When I moved to live in Paris, it helped me to install myself into the French cultural environment without help and open my own brand L’enfant Royal. This happened in 2010, and after conducting my own research, I realized that there are not enough independent brands of high-quality Lux-class children’s clothing on the world market. After moving from Paris to Cannes, I opened the first boutique on the central shopping street of the city, which was a huge success not only with visitors, but also with the French themselves.

Interview Spring 2022

 Tell us about your alliance with the Union of Artists and the UNESCO Children’s Club

 Being engaged in children’s clothing and getting involved in various projects related to children, I discovered huge gaps in the moral education of the younger generation associated with undeveloped interaction states and civil society. In 2019, the Institute of the civil society movement “International Children’s Congress” was organized, designed to define new goals and develop programs for the cultural and moral education of children and youth, scientifically define a new philosophy of childhood and implement them in all clusters of modern society. By the end of the year, MDK received the status of a UNESCO Club and today is one of the leading clubs in Russia. The programs developed by our team affect all areas of culture, art, ethics and education and annually attract thousands of children from all over the world.

 What would you wish for aspiring designers?

Future geniuses – read books, watch performances, visit art galleries and listen to good music, that is, learn and develop, and do not be afraid of anything. Life is ahead!

Interview Spring 2022

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