Interview Autumn 2023

Interview with the owner of the Burda Academy Varvara Rudenko

Interview Autumn 2023

Varvara, where and when were you born, where did you study and what did you graduate from?
I was born in Astrakhan, in the Soviet years – 1985 – I caught the times of shortage, coupons, and post-Soviet times. Up to grade 5, I studied at an ordinary secondary school, from grade 5 to grade 11 – at a School for gifted children. Then I entered the Faculty of Economics at ASTU, a marketing specialist. Graduated in 2007. In 2020, I received additional education at the Astrakhan Technological College – ATC in the specialty “Design and manufacture of clothing”, taking into account the Worldskills standard in the competence “Fashion Technology”. In general, I had a lot of additional training: marketing, sales, psychology, design and tailoring.

Interview Autumn 2023

Why Burda? Why exactly did you choose this direction?
Burda – chose me herself)) I was not fond of sewing as a child and in my youth, as happens with many girls. I came to sewing at a mature age, after 30 years. Opening a sewing school was the marketing strategy of my dad’s sewing store chain, where I was the development director. But the sewing school fascinated me so much that I began to develop it as an independent business.

Interview Autumn 2023

What is the most important thing in this direction and why does it attract people?
I sincerely believe that sewing is in the blood of every woman from birth – just everyone has their own time. Someone starts sewing at the age of 7, and someone at 79 – this is the age of our most adult student. I see the burning eyes of women who dream of new images that they create with their own hands – and it brings me joy! I want to give this inspiration further. And, in today’s time, sewing can also make good money. I teach this in our course “Become a designer”, where I tell about marketing and sales

Is fashion design a vocation or a specialty?
In general, all the designers I have ever met are obsessed people – they are obsessed with creativity and this is not about “specialty”. Many people first create, and then think what to do with all this. Of course, I want a fashion designer to earn well and enjoy not only creating his creativity, but also from sales. In the new realities, future designers are thinking about sales – and this pleases. After all, creativity that brings income is twice as pleasant.

Interview Autumn 2023

What can you wish for aspiring designers and tailors!
I always have one wish: If you have made a decision, do an action. If you’re scared, go into your own fear. Today, the state supports designers and tailors very well – there are many programs under which you can get funding from the state for the purchase of equipment and fabrics. You just need to take it. I wish everyone – creativity!

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